You Don’t Need To Do Every Exercise
I've seen this time and time again with clients. They want to get into the gym, they want to feel strong, and they want to get out of pain. So they begin to do their own research, which I love! We all deserve to feel educated and empowered about our bodies. That's the underlying reason why I find so much joy in the work that we do.
They learn about the basics such as the barbell back squat, bench press, and a couple other associated exercises. They understand the importance of cardiovascular exercise. But after a few clicks, they begin to go down the rabbit hole of all these different nuanced exercises and warm-ups that shirtless gurus or girls in matching workout fits on the internet tell them they should be doing.
I'm here to tell you that of all the things you see on the internet, you can completely disregard about 99.5% of everything you see with regards to exercise selection
The analogy I always tells clients is that imagine you are walking into the pharmacy. You see all the aisles of vitamins? Do you need to take all those vitamins?
No, you only need the exercises that are going to benefit your body at this current time. You're only going to take the vitamins your doctor recommends.
This is one of the things that I think make us some of the best personal trainers in South Austin. We view exercise programming as a prescriptive experience. After tens of thousands of hours of in-person experience, we've seen people just like you who have expressed a similar need and goal.
This makes it really easy to walk you down the aisle of the pharmacy and grab the exact right exercise you need from the shelf.
Whether it's in person coaching, remote programming, or some combination of the two, I have every reason to believe we're going to be able to help you achieve your goal