The Science

Does this stuff work? You bet it does and here’s the science to back it up.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) studies and published articles

Effect of Adjuvant Frequency-Specific Microcurrents on Pain and Disability in Patients Treated with Physical Rehabilitation for Neck and Low Back Pain.

The use of adjuvant FSM application in patients treated with physical rehabilitation for LBP significantly improved pain and disability when compared to patients in the control group. FSM could be a useful adjuvant in the rehabilitation treatment of patients with LBP.

Mental Health, The Brain, and PTSD

The use of adjuvant FSM application in patients treated with physical rehabilitation for LBP significantly improved pain and disability when compared to patients in the control group. Frequency Specific Microcurrent could be a useful adjuvant in the rehabilitation treatment of patients with low back pain.

Frequency-Specific Microcurrent as Adjunctive Therapy for Three Wounded Warriors

Acupuncture is frequently offered for wounded warriors as a component of an integrated approach to pain and associated symptoms, with increasing availability at military treatment facilities and Veterans Administration hospitals. While medications can be effective for many patients, acupuncture and microcurrent therapies address the growing need to offer nonopiate, nonpharmaceutical therapeutics in integrative pain management.

The Effects of Electric Currents on ATP Generation, Protein Synthesis, and Membrane Transport

The electrical currents stimulated ATP and collagen production in skin by between 300% and 500%.

Microcurrent Treatment of Fibromyalgia

In a study examining fibromyalgia symptoms after neck injuries, FSM treatment notably reduced pain levels and certain inflammation indicators in patients. These promising initial results offer both subjective pain relief and measurable reductions in biological markers.

The Basis for Microcurrent Electrical Therapy in Conventional Medical Practice

The results of research published to date strongly suggest that it will have a much more prominent role in the future of healthcare. In its current form, it can easily and safely control pain and accelerate healing.

Significant Enhancement of ATP Synthesis in Cardiomyocytes By Electric Microcurrent

Heart cells from failing hearts struggle to make ATP, a crucial energy molecule. This study investigated if applying electric fields could boost ATP production in heart cells from hypertensive rats. Results revealed that both low and high microcurrents significantly increased ATP synthesis, suggesting a potential new approach to treat heart failure.

The Efficacy of Frequency Specific Microcurrent Therapy on Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

This study investigated if frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) therapy was more effective than a placebo in reducing muscle soreness after exercise. Using 35 participants, one leg received FSM therapy while the other did not. Results showed the FSM-treated legs experienced significantly less soreness at 24, 48, and 72 hours post-exercise, suggesting FSM is effective in alleviating post-exercise muscle pain.

Visceral and Somatic Disorders: Tissue Softening with Frequency Specific Microcurrent

The tissue softening taking place with FSM renews interest in the possible relations between somatic and visceral pathologies.

Non-Pharmacologic Treatment of Neuropathic Pain Using Frequency Specific Microcurrent - Shingles - Using Frequency Specific Microcurrent

Patients with chronic neuropathic pain saw remarkable improvements using a noninvasive, dual-channel, specific-frequency microamperage current treatment. This method is affordable, low-risk, and easily accessible without notable side effects.

Microcurrent Treatment of Low Back Pain | Chronic Low Back Myofascial Pain | Lumbar Pain

“However, even with these confounding elements, the microcurrent treatment was the single factor that made the most consistent, immediate and substantial difference in muscle tissue status and pain.”

Microcurrent Experimental Results

In a blinded experiment, the 40/116 frequency treatment resulted in a 62% reduction in ear swelling compared to controls, emphasizing its anti-inflammatory benefits. The unbiased data collection strengthens the case for the effectiveness of the Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) method.

Effects of Aerobic Exercise Associated with Abdominal Microcurrent 

The addition of microcurrent to aerobic exercise may reduce fat more than does aerobic exercise alone.

NeuFit Neubie case studies and published articles

Inhibiting Spasticity & Improving Functional Outcomes in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis

This case series assessed the efficacy of the Neubie as a therapeutic intervention for spasticity and function in 7 MS diagnosed participants with Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scores of 6-8.

How the Neubie can Grow as Much Muscle Without Weight as you can With Weight

The acute muscular response following a novel form of pulsed direct current stimulation (Neubie) or traditional resistance exercise.

The Therapeutic Effects of Neubie Direct Current Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Treatment on Pain, Range of Motion, and Biometrics

Investigating the therapeutic effects of Neubie Direct Current Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation treatment on pain, range of motion, and biometrics measured by the Biostrap wrist-worn photoplethysmography (PPG) device.

Case Study: Neubie Improves Function and Gait in a Patient Post Stroke

Patient suffered a SCI 25 years before beginning NeuFit treatments.

Case Study: Improving Gait Quality in a Multiple Sclerosis Patient

Multiple sclerosis, c/c gait quality and walking with AD, FOF.

Case Study: Improving Strength and Function in Parkinson’s Disease with The Neubie

Parkinson’s Disease. C/c: generalized weakness, lack of independence.

Case Study: A Case Series in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis Using Direct Current Electrical Stimulation to Inhibit Spasticity and Improve Functional Outcomes

This case series design of seven heterogenous subjects with MS is a low sample size for statistical analysis and should be considered a pilot. The study demonstrates a high level of feasibility and possible correlations to consider.

Case Study: 30-Year-Old Male With Post Viral Neuralgia

A 30-year-old man tested positive for COVID-19 on March 19, 2020. Months later, symptoms such as fatigue, pain, soreness in the right biceps, and burning of the chest, esophagus, and ribs persisted. In September of 2020, the client was diagnosed with post-viral neuralgia before inquiring about help from Premier Neuro Therapy.

Case Study: Using the Neubie Pulsed DC Current Electrical Stimulation to Facilitate Muscular Strength and Hypertrophy

The patient was a healthy 22 year old male seeking to improve his strength, muscle endurance, and muscle mass. He had not been consistently exercising for several months at the beginning of the study, but did have a past history of weight lifting, distance running, and playing basketball. He felt like he was “out of shape” due to being heavily involved in his college studies and not having much time to exercise.

Case Study: Bell's Palsy

This patient, at the time of treatment, was a 13 year-old girl with insidious onset of Bell’s Palsy with no known underlying or predisposing factors. Her chief complaint when coming in for her physical therapy evaluation was that she had woken up one morning and she was unable to close her eye, had slurred speech, and had difficulty eating and drinking due to loss of control on the right side of her face.

Case Study: Picc Line Injury - Self Treatment with the Neubie

Patient is a 35 year old female with loss of sensation in LUE, left axillary region, left scapular region related to prolonged hospitalization with improper picc line insertion. Properly inserting and suturing the PICC line after insertion is essential to prevent the PICC line from becoming dislodged from its original site. Nerve Injury occurred during the insertion of the catheter leading to numbness, weakness or further injuries.

Case Study: Vestibular Dysfunction, Balance Impairments

Patient is a 73 year old female with increased dizziness and balance impairments. Patient PMH that includes lightheadedness and feelings of nausea when walking.

Case Study: 48 Year Old Male with Neck & Shoulder Pain & Radiculopathy

Right shoulder pain almost completely resolved after one session with the Neubie.

Case Study: Amputation Hypersensitivity

Prior to the initiation of therapy, pt had very poor tolerance to light touch due to hypersensitivity.

Case Study: Can the Neubie E-stim machine Restore Motor Control and Strength for Patients with RelapsingRemitting Multiple Sclerosis?

The subject was a 34 year old female who had been diagnosed with relapsing-remitting Multiple sclerosis (MS). She was officially diagnosed with MS in September of 2019, although was having symptoms as early as 2005 at the age of 19. She had an MS relapse around September 2019 which eventually led to her getting diagnosed.

Case Study: FSM and Neubie for reduced recovery time after TBI

17 year old male who suffered a concussion while playing high school football at practice. His biggest complaints at the time of the evaluation were of dizziness, lightheadedness, difficulty focusing/concentrating, reading/visual scanning and tracking, and of daily headaches that increased with the above activities including school work.

Case Study: Radiculopathy & Neck/Shoulder Pain

19 year old gun shot wound victim regains motor control when given NeuFit therapy 8 months post-injury.

Case Study: Manual Physical Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise Using the NEUBIE

Manual physical therapy and therapeutic exercise using the NEUBIE for management of complications related to spinal cord injury. The patient’s shoulder pain and range of motion have improved significantly using a various neuromuscular techniques combined with electrical stimulation.

Case Study: Enhancing Neuro-Rehabilitation After an Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury Using the NEUBIE

The patient’s right foot pain is nearly absent and his bilateral lower extremity sensation, gait kinematics, and right ankle/foot strength have improved significantly using various neuromuscular techniques combined with electrical stimulation.

Case Study: Stroke

The patient was a 76 year old male who presented to physical therapy in September 2020 s/p multiple ischemic strokes with the first in September 2008 involving the left internal capsule and thalamus. His initial impairments included R facial droop and generalized weakness.

Case Study: Stroke with Hemiplegia and Hemiparesis

Stroke patient regains upper extremity mobility, dexterity, and function.

Case Study: 38 Year Old Male Pec Tendon Tear & Surgery

After left pectoralis tendon avulsion rupture, surgery was required to repair/reattach. NewFit therapy sessions given before and after surgery to regain function.

Case Study: Improvements in LE strength, ROM and functional mobility for return to PLOF after traumatic tibial plateau fracture

41 year old male who presented to PT s/p external fixation for tibial plateau fracture and subsequent ORIF approximately 2 weeks later. Pt was on vacation in Alabama during the time of the injury and had surgery there for external fixation but was able to follow-up with an orthopedic surgeon upon return to Ohio for ORIF procedure. Pt presents to PT with locked hinged knee brace, nonWB with B axillary crutches.

Case Study: Diastasis Recti

Healthy woman in her late 30s, 4 months postpartum had a significant diastasis recti (separation of the abdomen) of 3 fingers width. Used the Neubie combined with specific exercises designed to strengthen and bring the ab muscles back together 2x/week for 6 weeks, after which her separation was considered healed at a measurement of 1 finger width.

Case Study: Manual Muscle Activations Combined with Physical Therapy Exercises and NEUBIE for Calf Tightness

8 year old boy who presented with habitual toe walking. No structural changes but mother was concerned regarding his calf tightness and was advised to perform gastroc lengthening surgery to rid the patient of toe walking. Patient was able to perform age specific activities without issue and run at high speeds without pain/issue.

Case Study: Improvements in Quality, Accuracy and Speed of Handwriting in a 7 Year Old

7 year old boy presents with difficulty writing, completing fine motor tasks and gripping. Mother noted symptoms as he was having difficulty keeping up in school and completing timed tasks due to slow and sloppy handwriting.

Case Study: NFL Athlete with Chronic Low Back Pain

Chronic LBP and radicular symptoms kept athlete from participating in practice and competition for last 10 years. Athlete was pain free and regained full ROM after 4 Neubie treatment sessions.

Case Study: Early Rehabilitation Outcomes Using the NEUBIE Electrical Stimulation Device After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair

Patient is a healthy and active 51 y/o male who sustained partialthickness tears at the distal portion of the supraspinatus, the proximal myotendinous junction of the infraspinatus and at the distal portion of the subscapularis. Patient also presented with a medial dislocation of the proximal long head of the biceps tendon interposed between the torn subscapularis fibers.

Case Study: Elite Athlete Suffering Chronic Low Back Pain

55 year old elite amateur golfer with chronic LBP caused restricted lumbar, pelvic, and hip mobility. In just 4 NeuFit sessions, athlete was back to pain free competition.

Case Study: 11 Month Post-Lumbar Fusion Back Pain

64 year old female with 11 months post lumbar fusion surgery was given 15 NeuFit therapy sessions over 12 weeks for neuromuscular re-education, resulting in a significant improvement in pain, strength, and ROM.

Case Study: NEUBIE Low Back Loosening for Acute Low Back Pain

61 year old male presents with acute low back pain following working out and working in his yard. No specific MOI, as he woke up with intense pain mostly along his left side (L QL and paraspinal region).

Case Study: Manual Muscle Activation Combined with Physical Therapy Exercise and NEUBIE to Improve Muscle Activation and LBP in Order to Restore Mobility

Patient is an 86 year old man who presented with inability to walk due to significant RLE weakness. He was working on his shed at home, tried to lift something heavy, felt a pull in his back and had low back pain.

Case Study: ACL/MCL Reconstruction and Meniscus Tear Repair

24 year old NFL running back wih ACL/MCL reconstruction and meniscus tear repair (rupture of the anterior cruclate ligament (ACL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), and damage to the medial meniscus) regained full function.

Case Study: 51 Year Old Male with 2+ Years Chronic LBP

Patient became increasingly discouraged with traditional therapies, but after 13 NeuFit sessions over 7 weeks, he was pleasantly surprised by the results.

Case Study: NEUBIE for Pain and Weakness Following Bilateral Total Knee Replacements

53 year old male presenting with bilateral total knee replacements utilizing standard walker and requiring MOD to MAXx1 for transfers. Patient had a long history of knee pain, doctoring for 12 years prior to replacements. Patient was in the hospital for 4 days post-op due to pain and poor functional mobility.

Infrared and Near-Infrared Light Therapy published articles

Infrared Light’s Effect on Skin Health

“Low level light therapy (LLLT) appears to have a wide range of applications of use in dermatology, especially in indications where stimulation of healing, reduction of inflammation, reduction of cell death and skin rejuvenation are required”

Mechanisms of Low Level Light Therapy

The use of low levels of visible or near-infrared (NIR) light for reducing pain, inflammation and edema, promoting healing of wounds, deeper tissues and nerves, and preventing tissue damage has been known for almost forty years since the invention of lasers.