The Simple Science Behind “Current Medicine”
A Cellular Approach to Your Health
Imagine you're building a big puzzle. You start with lots of small pieces and fit them together to create a bigger picture. Our body’s make-up works in much the same way. It's comprised of a bunch of tiny parts that come together to form tissues and bigger systems. Understanding these systems can help you understand how what we do at Innervation is as unique as it is powerful.
Let's start from a top-down approach and discuss the different parts of your body.
Systems. At the highest level, our bodies organized into different systems. We have a digestive system to process food, and nervous system to help us regulate bodily functions, and a cardiovascular system to help us move life-giving blood throughout the body.
Organs. Zoom in, and you will see that these systems are made of different organs. For example, the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine are all work together as part of the digestive system along with other organs.
Tissues. Zoom in further, and you'll notice that these organs are made of different tissues.
Cells. Now with the help of a microscope, we can zoom in further still to find that these individual tissues of the different organs are made up of different cells. The cells of the stomach are different than the cells of the small intestine
Most of us have enough of a recollection of high school science class to recall this as being our order of organization. But we go further.
5. Atoms. Everything in our universe, including our cells, are made up of different atoms. They are the tiniest units of matter. Looking into our cells and seeing the atoms would be like looking at a brick wall and seeing the grains of sand that make up each brick.
The system breakdown from smallest to largest
Amazing Atoms
Those atoms I mentioned aren't just sitting still, even though the table in front of you appears to be stationary. Those atoms are constantly moving and vibrating. As they do that, they are like tiny bells, each ringing at its own frequency. Here's what's blows my mind though. The frequency at which an atom vibrates can change based on where it's located. For example, the atom in a muscle cell might vibrate at a different frequency than an atom in a skin cell. Cool right?
Tuning Into Health
So how does this all relate to what we do? Imagine you're driving around town and you want to tune in your favorite radio station. To do that, you have to use the radio receiver to carefully turn the knob to the right frequency. In much the similar way, devices like PEMF and microcurrent electrical stimulation can tune into the frequencies of those atoms, allowing us to repair any damage in the bricks from our example earlier.
We know that atoms in muscle cells vibrate at 46 HZ and atoms in skin cells vibrate at 355 HZ. We also know through nearly 100 Years of clinical testing that conditions like inflammation, scar tissue, and toxicity have their own frequency as well. Combine 40 Hertz (inflammation) with 46 Hertz (muscles) and you can reduce inflammation within the muscles in minutes.
By tuning into these frequencies, these devices can send gentle waves of energy that resonate with our atom’s natural vibrations. It's also been scientifically proven that when we achieve this resonant effect in the cells that energy production in the cells goes up 300% to 500%. This means that the innate healing ability of our body is supercharged 3x to 5x it's normal speed.
Time for a Tune Up
Innervation in South Austin is the only family of practitioners in the state who are both certified in this Frequency Specific Microcurrent therapy for cellular healing as well as NeuFit electrical stimulation therapy on a larger nervous system level. In other words, we're the only ones who have spent the time and money learning how to help you heal your body on a cellular and systemic level. We do that with electrical stimulation and pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) devices.
If you think about an injury or chronic pain as the part of your body being out of tune, you can see how this type of therapy might be effective when others have fallen short. It's painless, not invasive, and it can help you break the recovery plateaus in a few sessions, not a few months.