How We Quadrupled Lung Function in 4 Hours
I want to tell you a story about a guy named Michael. Michael flew from the UK to work with another practitioner here in Austin. They had some unrelated business relationship to attend to and this practitioner offered to help Michael with a health issue he was having.
Around the age of 50, Michael begin to feel a shortness of breath and experienced severe fatigue. After being sent from one specialist to the next, he learned he had a genetic disorder where his liver failed to make an enzyme that supported his lung function. As a result, all the tiny brachioli within the lungs were struggling to take in enough air to feed Michael the oxygen his body and brain needed. Many of those brachioli had burst in the process, making it even harder.
This practitioner reached out to me after trying a few different things to see if I could help. They arrived at my house and Michael looked near death. He said on the long flight from London, he wasn't even sure he was going to make it. The test he had done before leaving showed he only had about a 17% lung capacity. He was walking around with a small breathing apparatus over his shoulder and tubes in his nose. Even with the breathing apparatus, his O2 saturation was only 90%. Normal O2 saturation is closer to 98-99%
He would get winded very easily and could not walk very far before needing to rest. It must have been like living at 15,000 FT elevation every moment of his life! And imagine what that's doing to his nervous system the whole time as well; perpetually being in a state of panic and preservation.
I laid Michael down on my table. Under him, I ran magnetic converters which take pulsed electrical charges and convert them into magnetic energy, much like the type of energy bursts that come out of your key fob when you unlock your car. These were set up to target specific parts of his body. I also had my plasma candles set up which emit 16 different frequency codes to do much the same work. He didn't have a very high tolerance for discomfort, so we only used non-invasive, painless “Current Medicine” devices like the PEMF.
While he laid there, we chatted. As he told me more about his medical history, I made small adjustments to the machines. After 2 hours, he sat up and said he felt a little bit better. It's nice when clients can say that, but I wanted more hard data. Before we left, and without the breathing apparatus, I had him test his O2 saturation and it was up 94%! Remember, it was at 90% with the breathing apparatus on and now up to 94% without it.
A few days later, he asked to get back together to do another treatment. He seemed more lively this time. More color in his face, a firmer handshake, and better energy overall. He strode into my living room and confidently laid down on the table, clapping his hands and saying “Okay let’s get this party started!”
After our first session, he mentioned being able to sleep 4 hours for the first time and almost a decade. Normally, his perpetual coughing and pain was keeping him up at night.
The second session went much like the second. As he told me more about his medical history I fine tuned the protocols and had him lay there comfortably while we chatted some more.
Now I'm a little bit greedy as a practitioner. I want absolute home runs every hour. And Michael did not disappoint. At the end of our second session together, his O2 saturation without the breathing apparatus improved to 96%! Less than ideal, but still pretty damn good.
He walked out of my home with a spring in his step. He and the practitioner I mentioned before spent a little bit of time in Target after that. Later she called me and said that he did four laps around the store without his breathing apparatus! They had already finished shopping in 15 minutes, but he felt so good he wanted to keep going. Can you imagine? Going from feeling as if you're struggling to catch your breath with every inhale to being able to do several laps around a huge store? I don't even want to do it as a healthy man!
Michael flew back to the UK with a 98% O2 saturation with his breathing apparatus. When he got home, testing revealed his lung function had improved to 62%. Pardon my French, but this s*** really works.
Michael was so inspired by the treatment he is in the process of starting his own clinic using similar types of technologies. As a practitioner myself, there's no greater compliment I could receive than that. Somebody was able to have their body heal so rapidly that they want to go out and help others make the same change for themselves.